More and more people are moving away from population centers and living in more rural areas. Since these areas frequently don’t have access to a sewer line, they use septic tank systems to manage waste and wastewater. If you’re preparing to move into a rural home, a septic system inspection is imperative before buying.

If you’re already in a rural home that uses a septic system, you should really get it inspected at least once a year. A yearly inspection will identify any problems that are developing and allow you the fix them before they get worse. Large septic system repairs can be really costly. They’re also incredibly unpleasant.

A lot can go wrong with a septic system, and none of those things are pleasant. Because they’re underground, it really does require a professional to inspect. AmeriPro Home Inspection Services has professional inspectors that have extensive experience with septic systems. When we inspect your septic system, you’ll be confident in its condition.

When we inspect septic tanks, we’re looking for

  • Pooling water
  • Tank lids - if we have access, we will lift these and check inside
  • Pumps
  • Running water & flushing during your home inspection to check the water pressure

(903) 708-3733